Displaying 51 - 60 of 1242.
A Coptic researcher has criticized the lack of representation of women and Christians in the Bar council following its 2024 elections.
When the book ‘al-Mawāqif wa al-Mukhāṭabāt’ by al-Nafarrī was published in Cairo in 1934, the late novelist and Nobel laureate Najīb Maḥfūẓ was just 23 years old, having already graduated from the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy Department of the Egyptian University, now known as Cairo University. 
The Muslim Council of Elders is participating for the first time in the 38th edition of the Foire Internationale du Livre de Tunis, or the Tunis International Book Fair, which will be held from April 19 to 28 in the Tunisian capital.
The Abrahamic Family House celebrated its first anniversary since opening on Saʿdīyāt Cultural District in Abu Dhabi in February 2023.
On Wednesday (January 10), The Cairo Criminal Court’s sentenced defendants to five years’ imprisonment terms in the retrial on the case known in the media as “Shiite sedition.”
Grand Imām of al-Azhar and Chairman of the Muslim Council of Elders, Dr. Aḥmad al-Ṭayyīb, spoke about one of al-Asmāʾ al-Ḥusna (99 Fairest Attributes of God), which is al-Ḥalīm, or the Clement.
Priest Mūsa Iskandar Saʿd of the Mār Jirjis Church in al-Sāḥil district, which is affiliated with the North Shubrā Churches Sector, sparked controversy in the Coptic community after doubting the story of Adam and Eve as it was mentioned in the Holy Book.
The international Christie’s auction hall in London will offer for sale an Egyptian manuscript of the “oldest copy of the Holy Book” at an auction to be held in London next June.
Archbishop ʿAṭāllah Ḥannā of the Sibāsṭyā Greek Orthodox Church in Jerusalem criticized the American Christian Zionists’ “trick” of sacrificing Red Heifers, flatly rejecting these “misinterpretations” of the Holy Book that are adopted by Christian Zionist groups in the United States.
Pope Tawāḍrūs received Monsignor Eric de Moulin Beaufort, Archbishop of Reims, and his accompanying delegation, at the Papal Residence in Cairo on Friday (April 12), during their visit to Egypt on a religious pilgrimage. The delegation of the bishops of the Catholic Church consisted of Monsignor...


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