a tax in order to continue living under ISIS’s protection. The
market value. Middle-class Christians have to come up with half
quarter, or about $166.
Terrorism analyst Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi offers
a translation of the statement for the Syria Comment blog.
ISIS’s so-called “dhimmi pact,” which refers to an ancient piece of legislation that allowed
Christians and Jews to live and practice their religion in Islamic kingdoms as long as they paid a tax
and submitted to specific rules, lays out what they can expect in return. Their churches will not be attacked, their wealth will not be
confiscated, and they will not be physically harmed. They will have the right to practice their religion — as long as they keep their crosses,
their Bibles and their churches out of sight. They are not allowed to ring bells, evangelize or pray within earshot of a Muslim, nor are they
allowed to sell pork and alcohol to Muslims or bear arms.
Raqqa, the only Syrian city completely under rebel control, was seized by ISIS in May. Since then the group, which was an al-Qaeda
franchise until last month, when it was expelled for being too radical, has attempted to establish a new Islamic kingdom governed by laws
dating back to the days of the Prophet Mohammad and his successors. Fierce battles between ISIS and other rebel groups aligned against
the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad over the direction of the revolution have resulted in some 2,000 dead over the past few
months. ISIS’s latest dictate will raise hackles, but there is little that the other rebel groups can do, short of opening another front in their
In the statement, ISIS members said that some 20 Christian leaders had already agreed to the terms. It’s a figure that has many scratching
their heads. Before the Syrian conflict started three years ago, less than one percent of Raqqa’s 300,000 population was Christian. Most of
those Christians had already fled by the time ISIS moved in. “I find it hard to believe that after all that happened, there are any Christians
at all left in Raqqa,” says Bassel, a 36-year-old Christian from nearby Aleppo, who asked to use only one name in order to protect his family
still in Syria. To Bassel, the attention the statement has garnered outweighs the impact and has diverted attention from more important
issues, like civilian casualties. The Syrian regime has long used Islamists’ threats against Christians and other minorities to justify their
assertion that all rebels are terrorists. ISIS, on the other hand, gets to highlight its Islamist bona fides. Christians, says Bassel, are an easy
way to focus the world’s attention. “We are good for propaganda.”