Excerpts of an interesting argument received through google alert on Sept 17, 2015:
According to United Nations data, 75 percent of the migrants who have swarmed into Europe this summer have been men, and only 51 percent have been from Syria. There have been multiple reports of caches of Syrian passports being found by police, and the demand for these passports grows from non-Syrians seeking to cash in on Europe's generous welfare offerings.
The media is making this out to be a spontaneous refugee crisis when this is actually a very organized event," said Dr. Mark Christian, an Egyptian-born former Muslim who served in the Egyptian military and is an expert on the Muslim Brotherhood, which his great uncle helped found.
Christian, who now lives in Nebraska and heads up the Global Faith Institute, said civil war in Syria has been raging for five years. So people should be asking why the surge of refugees from that war suddenly spiked this summer?
"Everything is building up for things to start moving quickly in the Middle East. The purpose of these migrants is, they are making the West feel the pain," he said.
The goal of the migrant invasion is to put pressure on Europe and the U.S. to enter the Syrian Civil War and take out President Bashar al-Assad and replace him with a Sunni Muslim government, which is the mission of President Obama and his Muslim Brotherhood supporters, Christian said.
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