The Egyptian Prosecutor General's approval of an arrest warrant for fundamentalist preacher Ahmed Mohammed "Abu Islam" Abdallah — on charges of insulting religion — represent a crucial development in the history of Egyptian justice, by putting an end to the current media free-for-all in the country.
Abu Islam has made mistakes time and again, not least when he accused Muslim and Christian female activists of prostitution for protesting in Tahrir Square and said that to rape and sexually arrest them washalal.
He also burnt a copy of the Bible outside Cairo’s US embassy during demonstrations against the US-Coptic film Innocence Of Muslims, which insulted the Prophet Mohammed.
Hundreds of women took to the streets outside the Prosecutor’s office in downtown Cairo yesterday, demanding the cleric’s statements be made punishable by law.
Some Egyptian television channels, defying all professional and moral standards, have been inviting these preachers to hurl the worst kind of abuse at all corners of Egyptian society. In effect inciting sectarian and social unrest.
Some political channels, owned by businessmen – some of whom made their fortunes from corruption under the old regime – have behaved with similar impropriety, inciting conflict and violence. Naturally all of this compounds the current instability and lack of security the country is still experiencing.
Insulting religion is a serious crime and we can’t afford to stand back while dubiously motivated individuals try their best to instigate civil war. The country is already struggling with the economic crisis and high unemployment.
Egyptian courts recently gave seven Copts responsible for the Islamophobic film the death sentence (in absentia) which indicates that the courts are enforcing laws concerning religion on anyone, regardless of their faith, who insults religion or incites partisan violence.
Egypt needs to maintain a solid ground for its citizens to live in equality, regardless of religion or sect. There’s no place for religious extremism of any kind.
If the charges against him are proven, then Abu Islam has broken the law. I have faith in the Egyptian judicial system, its judges and its independence, I feel confident that we will see a fair trial and a decent defence.