Displaying 111 - 120 of 333.
Rev. Dr. Andrea Zakī,  vice-president of the Coptic Evangelical Church, and General Director of the Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services (CEOSS),  criticized Islamist parties and their discrimination against Copts and Egyptian church figures, adding the only thing these parties care...
Coptic movements were split over dialogue with the Brotherhood as Sharīf Dūs, Chairman of the General Coptic Organization in Egypt, said the GCOE welcomes dialogue with the FJP, the Brotherhood’s political arm, because it is a political party, adding his organization had already held three meetings...
Meanwhile, several Coptic activists demanded representation expressive of Christians in the Egyptian society in the constituent assembly that would draft a new constitution of Egypt, welcoming the church’s naming of Coptic Orthodox Bishop Mūsá of Youth in the panel. “We demand a Coptic...
Meanwhile, several Coptic activists demanded representation expressive of Christians in the Egyptian society in the constituent assembly that would draft a new constitution of Egypt, welcoming the church’s naming of Coptic Orthodox Bishop Mūsá of Youth in the panel. “We demand a Coptic...
Meunier, who is being prosecuted over nine charges, including the murder of a soldier and incitation to raid a government building, said that the case is politically-motivated, adding he has not participated in the Coptic march in Maspero on that day because he fractured his leg. ['Imād Khalīl, al-...
Catholics around the world celebrated Christmas yesterday on December 25. Candles were lit in the Vatican and the Church of Resurrection in Bethlehem. Pope Tawadros visited Pope Ibrahīm Issac of the Catholic Church to congratulate him. Pope Francis held a mass attended by more than 10,000 people...
Father Rafīq Greisch, the spokesman of the Catholic Church, stated that the Church invited the president of the Republic, the Prime Minister, the ministers, and leaders of the political parties to take part in the Christmas mass. He added that they coordinated with the armed forces and the police...
 A hearing was held in the U.S. Congress about state of rights of minorities in Morsi’s (Mursī) era. The session was entitled, “Violation of Human Rights in Egypt”.
 Bishop Rafael stated that religion is more supreme than the games of politics (‘Imād Khalīl, al-Masry al-Yāwm, Nov. 20). Read original text in Arabic.  
Pope Tawadros II canceled his weekly sermon, scheduled for today (August 14), for the seventh time in a row, since the adoption of the “Road Map”. A Church source clarified that this is due to the tensions the country is witnessing and demonstrations organized by supporters of former President...


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