Displaying 61 - 70 of 333.
Acting patriarch Bishop Pachomius will set on Tuesday a period of one or two weeks to receive challenges against registered voters who now number 2100 from Egypt and abroad. [‘Imād Khalīl, al-Misrī al-Yawm, July 14, p. 8] Read original text in Arabic
Scholars from the Azhar attacked demands by al-Nūr to add the phrase “the four Islamic doctrines” to Article II, noting the people asking for this addition “have flawed understanding of the Islamic sharī’ah”. Former Muftī of the Republic Dr. Nasr Farīd Wāsil, a representative of the Azhar on the...
On the other hand, dozens of Copts from Helwan and al-Ma'sarah protested inside the Saint Barsoum al-'Arian Monastery in Ma'sarah to demand suspension of Priest Armīyā of the monastery. The demonstration is the second as Copts in this area started a protest last week. Security forces intensified...
The legal office of expatriate Copts, headquartered in Switzerland, announced convening a number of workshops for Coptic counselors and lawyers in Geneva, Washington, Sweden and Egypt to offer their visions about the general principles outlining the new constitution. The office underlined the...
Representatives of Egyptian churches in the constituent assembly refused threats by Salafists to withdraw from the panel if it insisted on “the civil aspect of the state and the implementation of only the principles of the Islamic sharī’ah”. Counselor Edward Ghālib, the secretary of the Coptic...
Meanwhile, signs of a new crisis between Muslim and Christian clerics members of the constitution-drafting panel emerged over Article II that currently reads as “…the principles of the Islamic sharī’ah are the main source of legislation,” over attempts to remove the word principles. Representatives...
Meanwhile, signs of a new crisis between Muslim and Christian clerics members of the constitution-drafting panel emerged over Article II that currently reads as “…the principles of the Islamic sharī’ah are the main source of legislation,” over attempts to remove the word principles. Representatives...
The al-Minyā patriarchate for Coptic Orthodox Christians issued a statement urging the congregation to be calm and do their best to preserve the homeland by supporting the president and working hard. “Copts in Egypt are accustomed to living under all circumstances but everyone must pray for the...
All Egyptian churches congratulated Mursī for winning the state’s top post as Coptic movements and citizens urged him to fulfill his promises, including the establishment of a state of citizenship. Bishop Marqus of Shubrā al-Khaymā, the chairman of the Coptic Orthodox Holy Synod’s Information...
Father Rafīq Greish, the media spokesman for the Coptic Catholic Church, called on Mursī to pass the unified law on construction of houses of worship and the law on personal status affairs for non-Muslims and eliminate discrimination on the basis of sex or religion. Lawyer Najīb Jabrā’īl, Chairman...


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