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Eleven Egyptian newspapers have decided not to print their Wednesday editions to protest President Muhammad Mursī’s controversial constitutional decree. A handful of private satellite channels also reportedly plan to temporarily cease transmission on Wednesday.
Shaykh Yāsir Burhāmī, deputy chairman of the Salafī Daʿwa (Call), severely criticized the church’s representatives on the panel and others who threatened to quit, adding they seek their own interests and do not care about accordance.
Anonymous sources from the Ministry of Endowments stated that the preachers of al-Da’wah al- Salafiah refused to show commitment to the cooperation protocol with the ministry. They only responded to some of the articles of the protocol. However both sides tried to reach an agreement by promoting...
Despite the Ministry of Endowments’ perseverance in regaining control over the country’s religious podiums, reinstating its independent laws regarding the right to preach in mosques, and its long fight with the Salafī organization regarding this matter, the Ministry has agreed to grant ten Salafī...
 Ramadan lanterns are an important part of Islamic culture, and have been so for centuries. Nowadays, however, most of them are imported at a much cheaper price from China and Hong Kong. Despite the 10% price increase due to the increased cost of the dollar and the impact this has on imports,...
The Ministry of Endowments has formed a new directorate to examine contemporary issues and have chosen Dr. Muhammad Mukhtār Jum’ah , Minster of Endowments, and the Grand muftī of Egypt, and the Deputy of the Azhar as member.
According to al-Azhar University’s regulations, once the current university president’s tenure comes to an end, the longest-serving vice-president temporarily assumes the role as president.
The Ministry of Endowments released a strong statement yesterday regarding the relationship between the Muslim Brotherhood and terrorist organizations both within and beyond Egypt. 
Sources have revealed to al-Tahrīr newspaper that a meeting is to be held within the next 48 hours between prominent sheikhs in the Salafī organization and leaders within the Ministry of Endowments.
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