Displaying 1 - 10 of 16.
The Committee amending the “Exercise of Political Rights” and the “Parliamentary Elections” laws will receive today  the draft law the technical sub-committee has completed.   
The Military Police forces guarded the cathedral fences and all gates out of concerns the violence could move closer to its surroundings. Some thugs tried to enter the cathedral on Wednesday morning, making it hard for many bishops to enter after it has closed all its gates. [‘Imān Ibrāhīm and...
Coptic activist and member of the Egyptian Association for Enlightenment Ishāq Hannā revealed that the Church is dependent on money from expatriate Copts for the next parliamentary election. Without this money Coptic politicians cannot establish new political parties (Muhammad Rabī’ and Imān...
On the other hand, Coptic Orthodox Pope Shenouda III said the keenness shown by Islamist groups to express feelings of endearment for Copts over the Christmas celebrations only affirm that there is still good prevailing in Egypt.   “All those calls of division and disruption of unity among...
 Coptic Orthodox Pope Shenouda III made intensive calls to the Ethiopian Church to reach a positive Ethiopian decision about Egypt's share from Nile River, as well as solving the current problem of establishing al-Alfīyah dam. Church sources said that the pope is praying for this problem.
The rebuilding of the church in Sūl village of 'Ātfīh in record time is proof of the honesty of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) intentions.  Muslims embraced the joy of Christians over the new church. Bishop Theodosius, Archbishop of Giza, said that the building became a global...
Īmān Ibrāhīm visited the street in Alexandria where the attack on the Church of the Two Saints, Saint Mark and Pope Peter took place.   She interviewed many of the people living there, both Muslims and Christian, all of whom agree that their neighborhood has undergone significant sectarian tension...
The authors highlight the file of the church trials and punishments depending on the recent decisions to defrock certain members of the clergy.
Al-Jumhūrīyah reports on different opinions related to having a special quota for Christians in the Egyptian parliament.
The article highlights the recent developments surrounding Bishop Maximus, the alleged patriarch, and specialists’ opinions on the issue.


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