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Al-Akhbār published an article on Burhāmī’s claim that his statement during a video footage has been “misinterpreted”. The deal would pave the way for a Shari'a-based constitution while temporality holding the immunity of the Azhar’s grand Shaykh.
During a conference held bySalafī D’awah movement under the title “Know your Constitution”, Dr. Yāsir Burhāmi, leader of the movement, claimed that there is a plan to thwart the Islamic project. The Salafīs are calling for an intensification of their work on the ground to counter the strength of...
The Salafī leader, ‘Abd Al-Mun’im al-Shahāt, stated that in the new Constitution all articles/provisions related to identity and sharī’ah were legislated by senior scholars at the Azhar. He also expressed his sadness over the reason given by Christians explaining their withdrawal from the...
Shaykh Yāsir Burhāmī, Vice-President of the Salafī Da’wah (Call) Movement, admitted that he had a phone call and met with former presidential candidate Ahmad Shafīq hours prior to the official results of the elections that announced Muhammad Mursī of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice...
“Citizens are trapped between a rock and a hard place. They will have to choose only between the fulūl (remnants of the former regime) or Islamist groups. Citizens voted for Shafīq not because he is the most efficient but rather to avoid brining the Muslim Brotherhood to power,” said Harīrī in...
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