Displaying 1 - 10 of 39.
Counselor Muhammad ‘Abd al-Salām, the advisor of Al-Azhar Shaykh and the rapporteur of the Basic Principles subcommittee in the Constituent Assembly, stated that new constitution stresses that Al-Azhar is a reference to all matters pertaining to Islamic affairs. He assured that it is based on the...
With the endorsement of the Grand Imām Ahmad al-Tayyib Shaykh of the Azhar, a new branch of ‘Bayt al-‘Ailah (a body related to the Azhar comprised of Christian and Muslim leaders and scholars), was inaugurated in the governorate of Sohag by several officials, among them Dr. ‘Abbās Shūmān, Deputy of...
The Revolutionary Union for Coptic Youth has stated that the government is responsible for the events taking place aiming at terrorizing the Copts. The Union stated, “How can we believe the Minister of Interior who carried out the attack on the Cathedral?” (Alī Rajab, al-Dustūr, Oct. 28, p. 4). ...
A number of Coptic activists have accused the Muslim Brotherhood of arranging the events that took place during the Maspero memorial event in which slogans were chanted against the army and against Gen. ‘Abd al-Fattāh al-Sīsī (Alī Ragab, et al., al-Dustūr, Oct. 11, p. 4). Read original text in...
The General Council of Sufi Orders will hold the elections of the Supreme Council for Sufi Orders on Thursday May 15.
A study of Hāzim al- Gamal, a lawyer at the Azhar, stated that the Azhar with its moderate thought has developed new theoretical pillars that include economic relations, politics and society as well as legislations.
Dr. Taha Awadayn al- Ikrimī, member of the public bureau of the international union for the youth of al- Azhar and Sufis, stated that the Muslim Brotherhood aimed at eradicating the Sufis of the Azhar as they were believed to be more dangerous in the ideological conflict of the Brothers against the...
Shaykh al-Azhar Dr. Ahmad al-Tayyib has delegated Dr. Muhammad Mukhtār Jum’ah, Minister of Endowments, as a head of a delegation of the Azhar, Ministry of Endowments and Dār al- Iftāa’ shaykhs to visit Pope Tawadros in St. Mark’s Cathedral in Abāssiyah to congratulate him on the event of Easter
Dr. Ibrāhīm Nigm, the advisor to the grand muftī, says that Islam prohibits the shedding of blood of any human being. It also prohibits violence in all its forms.
Dr. Shawqī ‘Allām, the muftī of Egypt, leaves on Saturday April 5 for Oman to take part in a seminar entitled “The Development of Jurisprudence Sciences” from April 6-9, 2014. It is organized by the Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs. Various Islamic scholars from different countries will...


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