Displaying 1 - 4 of 4.
Sheikh 'Alā Saddīq, Secretary of Construction and Development Party in Suhag the political wing of Al-Jamā'ah al-Islāmīyah (Egyptian Sunni Islamist group), claimed that electronic newspapers which reported the besieging of Saint George’s (Mār Jirjis) Church, breaking crosses in Banawīt village and...
Sohag Criminal Court sentenced one convict to death penalty and three others for life imprisonment who are "allegedly" innocent. These four people are convicted in the fitnah tā'ifīyah, erupted in al-Ghurayzāt village of Marāghah Township in Sohag governorate.  This incident left three dead, two...
Dr. Ibrāhīm Fāyiz al-Sa'īd, Copt from Sohag, who hosted a meeting of al-Jamā'ah al-Islāmīyah and other political representatives, including proponents of secularism, said that they will you be peace in Egypt if Islamic Law is properly implemented. Dr. Sābir Hārid, adviser to and Professor of...
In collaboration with local intermediaries and religious clerics, security authorities in Sohag Governorate intensify their efforts to prevent sectarian strife in the village of al- Samatā, al-Billīnā Township after a 42-year old Coptic man called al-Nimr Wahīb Najīb had assaulted and killed the 62...
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