Displaying 1 - 4 of 4.
Israel’s attempts to recruit young Christian Israeli Arabs in the army are raising concerns in Arab political and religious circles that condemned the move and warned of the Israeli authorities’ plans through their intelligence arms to foment sedition among Palestinians in Israel over an issue...
On December 31, Egyptian President ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī announced that a high counter-sectarian commission is to be formed and its work put immediately into effect. The presidential decree came after a police man shot dead a man and his son in Minya, which was the most recent incident after a...
Al-Zanayqah village in Isnā, Luxor, was turned into some kind of a military barrack as a result of a tighter security to prevent mounting sectarian tensions between its Muslim and Christian residents. The tensions erupted when the Muslim and Christian mobs rallied the day before yesterday and were...
France 24” a French news website shed light today on a decision made by President ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī to found a committee to handle the sectarian disputes. The French website quoted the official gazette of Egypt as saying the presidential decree came after a recent series of terrorist attacks...
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