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In the first time in Egypt’s history the TV program called The Dancer, which organizes competitions for belly dancing among ladies worldwide has led to the anger of the Azharite Scholars.
However, Dr. Muhammad Mihannā, Azhar’s Grand Shaykh’s advisor for foreign relations, called al-‘Ashrī’s statement as “insane” and resulting from the chaos Egypt is going through. Al-‘Ashrī had also stated that Christian women will be forced to wear hijāb (Fātimah Khālid, al-Sabāh, Jan. 6, p. 5). ...
Al-Sabāh newspaper reported about the “Shī’ite triangle in Egypt,” relating to figures who convert Sunnī Muslims to Shī’ites. Al-Hāshimī, al-Sabāgh, and al-Nafīs were referred to as the “Shī’ite conversion triangle” in Egypt. The advisor to Al-Azhar Shaykh al-Tayyīb stated that Al-Azhar is not...
The security agency in Sharm al-Sheikh has found the girl that caused numerous attacks on the St. George Church in Kom Ombo in Aswan Governorate. In response, the Archpriest, Abānūb Wahīd Rā’ī, exclaimed how everyone can now see that the Church did not play any role in the abduction of this woman....
During a ceremony held at Dār al-Iftā’ (Ifta House), in which Shawqī ‘Allām officially took the position of Muftī of the Republic, ‘Alām said he will not allow anyone to drag him into the battle of the political parties. He also noted that the first job of Dār al-Iftā’ is to issue a legitimate rule...
The Islamic Research Academy has denied accusing writer and novelist Dr. Yūsuf Zīdān of defaming Christianity in his novel “Arab Theology”.  Shaykh ‘Alī ‘Abd al-Bāqī, Secretary General of the Islamic Research Academy, confirmed that Zīdān’s novel had not been submitted to the members of the academy...
Ties between the Azhar and the Vatican deteriorated in 2006 when the Pope held a speech at Regensburg University in Germany in which, according to the Azhar’s interpretation, he linked Islam to violence (Fātimah Khālid, al-Sabāh, Feb. 14, p. 3). Read original article in Arabic 
On Tuesday, February 5, President Muhammad Mursī met Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The President remained for several hours at the private lounge at Cairo Airport to discuss presidential matters with President Mursī. Amid tight security measures, the President...
Member of the Senior Scholar Authority of the Azhar Dr. Ahmad ‘Umar Hāshim said that in accordance to the Azhar Bylaw No. 13 for the year 2012 , the candidates for the position of the future muftī are exclusively nominated by the Authority; he added that the nominees do not necessarily have to be...
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