Displaying 91 - 99 of 99.
The Advice and Guidance sessions, halted by the former Minster of Interior Affairs Habīb al-'Adlī, are back for those who convert religions. The cancellation of these sessions was the reason for many fitnah tā'ifīyah incidents. [Reviewer's Note: Advice and Guidance sessions, are sessions that used...
 'Abīr Tal'at Fakhrī, an Imbābah sedition-monger, was sentenced to three to seven years in prison for three accusations: adultery for having relations with someone other than her husband, fraud for claiming to be unmarried when in fact she was, and sparking fitnah in Imbābah.  
A conference that was held under the auspices of the Episcopal Church in Egypt and North Africa has called for joint Muslim-Christian economic projects to promote interfaith understanding.
Ministry of Endowments’ under secretary asserts that Egypt national unity is based on the fact that it is a divine duty for every Muslim to love Copts.
The Egyptian Evangelical Church celebrated yesterday 150 years of ministry in Egypt. Guests at the celebration included a large number of Muslim clerics, who asserted that Egypt sets an example of coexistence and fraternity for the whole world.
The head of the Evangelical church stressed that President Mubarak does not refuse any request concerning building or restoring any church. He said that the President agreed on specifying a piece of land in every new city for building a church.
The Evangelical church of Shoubra Al-Nozha will hold its second celebration to honor model mothers on the occasion of family day. Ten women, including seven Muslims, will be honored.
The Evangelical church in Azbakia held a seminar about "Awan Al-Ward." The writer of the serial said that the arguments it brought to the surface made us discuss an issue we were trying to avoid. Which was a great victory for both Muslims and Christians and for democracy. The head of the...
Evangelical churches performed special prayers for the victims of the Israeli massacres in Jerusalem. In their prayers they asked God to bless president Mubarak’s efforts to achieve peace. They also asked the international society to stop the Israeli violence against innocent people.


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