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Father Bolos Halīm, official spokesperson of the Coptic Orthodox Church, announced that a session of the Holy Synod will take place tomorrow, Monday. His Holiness Pope Tawadros II as well as clergy members of the Synod will take part. Halīm further said that this second seminar will take place from...
Pope Tawadros stated in his weekly sermon that Egyptians are moderate and they gained this characteristic, figuratively, by drinking from the Nile waters (Majdī Fikrī and Girgis Ibrahīm, al- Dustūr, Jan. 31, p. 6). Read original text in Arabic.   
Pastor Rifʿat Fikrī, President of the Media Committee of the Egyptian Council of Churches, stated that the Egyptian church returned the code of personal status for Copts to Counselor Majdī al-ʿAjātī, Minister of Legal Affairs and Parliament, to discuss and amend it.
Coptic activists have expressed fears that terrorist groups in Upper Egypt will frighten and intimidate Copts to prevent them from voting in the referendum on the constitution, particularly in Minya and Asyut.    
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