Displaying 141 - 150 of 185.
Several Christian laymen are protesting the prerequisites for running and voting in the elections of the Majlis al-Mīllī, the Coptic Orthodox Denominational Council and have submitted a lawsuit to the Administrative Judiciary Court to reconsider the legal and constitutional aspects of the elections...
The Church is witnessing some secret moves to pass a new regulation for papal elections. Informed sources close to the Church say that the modifications in the new regulation will tighten the grip of certain people over the church and will bring one of them to the papacy.
The author comments on the criteria for electing the pope, believing that they should be changed. He writes that some people may object to such an issue being discussed in public [through printed media], as it may defame the church. He stresses that his opinion that the law should be changed has...
The author cannot understand how debating an article of the constitution should jeopardize people’s faiths and beliefs. However, some groups insist that questioning the second article of the constitution would lead to a ‘blood bath’ in Egypt.
The author asserts that Egyptians need to return to the process of forging a civil state that uses citizenship rights as the main basis for legislation. He writes that the public must be encouraged to adopt an attitude of ‘religion for God, nation for all’. This will ensure that religion remains -...
Readers may recall that the public discussion on church issues came about through an initiative of Pope Shenouda III, the Patriarch of the See of Saint Mark and his interviews with journalist Mahmoud Fawzī. Fawzi has since published these interviews in a series of books beginning in 1985, with the...
One year ago, a monthly publication was born called al-Kat ība al-T ībiyya, meaning ‘the T ībiyya battalion’, referring to T ība, the capital of ancient Egypt. The publication has focused on digging up the history of the dark ages, pointing out sectarian differences and fuelling the flames of...
The Church is at a critical point and state, and the negative repercussions of such a state are creating fierce defensive reactions accusing those opening such portfolio traitors, heretics, and perpetrators. The patience and negligence of such internal problems led to an avalanche of events and...
Arabs invented the term “Zionist Christianity” to explain American support for Israel, not considering the fact that “interests” govern international relationships. They believe that the USA is a materialistic society where religion has no importance. But, then they contradict themselves by...
“The Divine Will Behind the Structure of the Church” is a book written by a monk from Anba Maqar monastery. It discusses many present issues concerning the church, its identity, principles and laws. The article covers most of the ideas expressed in the book.


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