Displaying 11 - 14 of 14.
‘Abd al- Mājid ‘Abd al- Barī is a 23 year old Egyptian. He grew up in Britain and as a rap singer and he became a fighter for ISIS (Lutfī Salāman, al- Watan, Aug. 17, p. 3)  
ISIS has promised to avenge the killings that took place during the dispersals of Rāb’ah al- ‘Adawiyah and al- Nahdah sit ins dispersals.
One of the young men who traveled recently to Syria from Egypt and returned back that he traveled with a group of ten young men, including Islām Yaken, the man whose story circulated on social media outlets.
Sources from ISIS confirmed that the organization does not have any members in Egypt in the literal, organizational, sense, but it has several supporters and admirers.


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