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“Egyptian Family values”; this term that has been repeated for months in Egypt when directing accusations against young women wearing “liberal clothes” for violating the “conservative values of the Egyptian family.”  This astounding accusation and the outrage of the Egyptian society have suddenly...
“A woman’s honour [sharaf] is like a matchstick that can burn in no time”, one of the most known sayings said by the famous actor Yūsuf Wahbī that have shaped our understanding of what female honour means. We picked up the hidden messages in drama or comedy films at a young age; these ideas, its...
Egypt’s Dār al-Iftāʾ published a fatwa on its official Facebook page saying: "Female genital cutting is ḥarām and is a [form of] violence against women #no_to_female_genital_cutting."
When asked by one of his followers about the reason behind the rapes of women during Islamic wars, Shaykh ‘Abd Allāh Rushdī replied “these are human beings and they have needs,” going on to explain that these needs could not be considered shameful as long as the woman has consented to the sexual...
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