Displaying 11 - 20 of 69.
Church sources have assured that Pope Tawadros II is giving attention to the water crisis with the NileBasin countries. A delegation from the Egyptian church has traveled to the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa and met with the church leaders in Ethiopia on the matter (Majdī Fikrī, al- Dustūr, Feb. 8...
The Holy Synod of the Coptic Orthodox Church shall meet on February 20th to examine and discuss the regulation list of 1957 for papal elections and its amendment. According to a clerical source the meetings, headed by Bishop Rafael, started yesterday in the monastery of Saint Bishoy in the Wadī al...
Pope Tawadros stated in his weekly sermon that Egyptians are moderate and they gained this characteristic, figuratively, by drinking from the Nile waters (Majdī Fikrī and Girgis Ibrahīm, al- Dustūr, Jan. 31, p. 6). Read original text in Arabic.   
The three Coptic churches have welcomed the nomination of the head of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, Field Marshall Abd al- Fattāh al- Sīsī, for presidency (Majdī Fikrī, al- Dustūr, Jan. 29, p. 6). Read original text in Arabic.   
Minister of Defense Field Marshall Abd al- Fattāh al- Sīsī received a letter from Pope Tawadros congratulating him for being promoted from General to Field Marshall (Majdī Fikrī, al- Dustūr, Jan. 29, p. 6). Read original text in Arabic.
Pope Tawadros II has appointed Father Ruwaīs Marcos.. 
Pope Twadros II affirmed. Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of St. Mark. Egypt is on the verge of a new beginning with frankness with self, pointing out that the new enlightenment of Egypt should be extended to thought, say and act, as everyone has a sincere desire to advance Egypt, which deserves...
Pope Tawadros' travel to Ethiopia, scheduled for next September and aiming at meeting Pope Mattias I, Patriarch of the Ethiopian Church, has been delayed due to Egypt's unstable security situation (Majdī Fikrī, al-Dustūr, Aug. 27, p. 3). The article has no link online. (Daniela De Maria, Intern)
Egyptian Copts rejected the draft bill aiming at protecting rights of religious minorities in Egypt and Middle East, proposed by U.S. Congressmen (Majdī Fikrī and Ashraf Lāshīn, al-Dustūr, Aug. 29, p. 1). The article has no link online. (Daniela De Maria, Intern)
Also Rev. Father Safwāt al-Bāyadī, head of the Evangelical Church, praised the elimination of Article 219 from the new constitution, clarifying that it was the civil forces among Muslims who asked for it before the Christians did. He added that the remainder of Article 2 of the suspended...


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