Date of source: Friday, April 30, 2021
The Egyptian state is a unique example of co-existence between religions and national unity. It has strived to ingrain and promote tolerance, peace, and equality regardless of religion or creed. In light of these efforts, the media center for the Egyptian Cabinet has published a report that...
Date of source: Saturday, July 6, 2019
من خلال ندوة الشيخ محمد عبد العاطي تم طرح بعض الأمور المتعلقة بالأاديان. في بداية الندوة قام الشيخ محمد عبد العاطي بطرح بعض التساؤلات التي أجاب عنها خلال الندوة مثل : " ما حقيقة الدين؟", " ما سبب التدين ؟ " و "متي نشاء هذا الدين؟ ". في بداية الندوة قام الشيخ بتفسير كلمة "الدين" و أصولها. كلمة " دين...
Date of source: Saturday, May 12, 2012
“Benzion targets selling one million copies of the photo that catapulted its sales on the local market since it was first offered in April,” the company said in a statement on Thursday (May 10).
It added that it will offer 4,000 copies soon at a rate of LE295 (roughly $50) per one copy as a first...
Date of source: Saturday, May 12, 2012
“Benzion targets selling one million copies of the photo that catapulted its sales on the local market since it was first offered in April,” the company said in a statement on Thursday (May 10).
It added that it will offer 4,000 copies soon at a rate of LE295 (roughly $50) per one copy as a first...