Displaying 21 - 30 of 38.
Islamic thinker Muhammad Emara praised the national stance of the Coptic minority in Egypt, and their wise behavior against imperialistic attempts to use minorities to fracture societies. He explains the difference between the usage of the word “minorities” in the West and in Islamic societies. He...
A member of the Islamic Research Institute said that Islam establishes good relations with non-Muslims and that Qur´anic verses stress the importance of respecting the dignity of all human beings, regardless of their religion, race or language. Islam deals with those who oppose it in a...
In this article the deputy of the Azhar speaks about the attitude of the Azhar towards what is going on in the Islamic world after the attacks of September 11. He also speaks about the role Muslims in the west should play to correct the image of Islam.
The author reports on Egypt’s muftī’s statements about the concept of the Mahdī in Islamic belief.
Professor of Islamic sharī‘a, Dr. Nabīl Louqā Bibāwī [Reviewer: a Copt], who has written a number of books defending Islam, has recently published a book entitled Muhammad Salla Allāh ‘Alayh wa Sallam wa al-Khanājir al-Masmouma al-Muwajjaha Ilayh [The Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings Be upon...
People should not practice Islamic da’wa [call to Islam] unless they meet certain requirements. Those who stand on the podium of the prophet Muhammad [by calling people to embrace Islam] should have certain characteristics that are the essence of religion and not alien to it. If that person [who...
It is well known that the West [the US and European countries] has recently proposed a project to reform Arab and Islamic countries because those countries supposedly do not apply the principles of democracy. We simply have to read our history and hold on to our religion - only then would we become...
Dr. Shaykh ‘Alī Jum‘ā, Muftī of Egypt, said that Islam has limited polygamy. In a Hadīth reported by Sālim, his father, Ghaylān Ibn Salāma al-Thaqafī, had ten concubines when he embraced Islam. The Prophet Muhammad [PBUH] told him to “chose only four of them” to marry.
Muftī of the Republic Shaykh ‘Alī Jumca said that dialogue during a recent trip to Germany, which aimed at rectifying the image of Islam in the West, focused on the issues of gender equality, human rights and whether Islam is actually a religion of tolerance.
Dr. Sufi Abu Taleb, the former president of the People’s Assembly, clarifies the realities and advantages of Islam. He said that Islam has nothing to do with religious dogmatism and discrimination because it recognizes the other religions as valid. He added that it is unfair for Western researchers...


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