Displaying 1 - 7 of 7.
A Church source in North Sinai stated that 13 Coptic families living in al-‘Arīsh had departed in the aftermath of the deposal of Muhammad Morsi (Mursī) out of fear of being targeted.  They have now returned to their houses after the governorate became more secure due to the successful security...
Ansār Bayt al- Maqdis Organziation has announced that it pledged allegiance to Muhammad al- Baghdadī, head of ISIS,  through a military parade and flyer n Sinai. 
 "The armed forces will restore all the churches and schools that were burned and destroyed in the violence that took place in Suez after the dismantling of the fourth sit-in and the uprising, because of the attacks of the supporters of the president isolated." This is the news that was covered by...
The director of al-Khankah Hospital for Mental and Neurological Health Mamdūh Hannā Wahbah, who declared his conversion to Islam, said that there are private circumstances, both social and religious, that urged him to leave Christianity and convert to Islam. He added that he voluntarily went to the...
The member of the scientific forum of Suez Shaykh Muhammad Mahrūs announced the launching of his new TV channel "Nūr al-Sunnah" or "Sunnah's Enlightenment" on the Internet. Earmarking his religious teachings and sermons, the program will resume this month of January. Founder of the same program, ...
Security forces frustrated an attempt to detonate a bomb at St Mark’s Cathedral in Cairo on Christmas Eve.    
Despite the clear instructions of the Minister of Interior for intensed security presence around all the churches during feast celebrations, none of the necessary security forces have appeared. "The security is hidden ... we trust that we are in the hands of God .. our Lord protector," the...
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