Displaying 1 - 7 of 7.
Dr. Sha’bān ‘Abd al-‘Alīm, Secretary of the Salafī al-Nūr (Light) Party in Beni Suef, said Article 2 of the Constitution was the most controversial simply because the mass media depicted to citizens that the Salafists came just to implement the sharī’ah that Bishop Bula gave candies in expression...
Clashes between Muslims and Copt erupted in the town of al-Fashn in south Beni Suef due a dispute about a piece of state land adjacent to a church. The security forces dispersed both parties and prevented a Copt building on the land (Mustafá Bahār and Khālid 'Abbās, al-Misrīyūn, Jun. 17, p. 11). ...
Clashes erupted between a Muslim and Christian family in Bidahl village of Samastā Township, south west of Beni Suef Governorate. Khalaf Mabrūk and Rabī’ Anwar, Muslims, accused Yūsuf Labib and Tharwat Zakī, Christians, of using witchcraft to burn a number of houses in the village. Police forces...
The appellate judge at al-Wastá Partial Court in Beni Suef decided to renew the custody of nine suspects in Saint George Church attack in al-Wastá town 15 days pending investigation. He also decided to release ‘Umar Mukhtār, student and admin of “al-Wastá sons” group on “Facebook” until he finishes...
The Beni Suef branch of the National Council for Human Rights has warned that they fear the ongoing events in Beni Suef are signs of a growing fitnah. They have called on all those involved to try and control the situation and come together to find a prompt solution to the crisis (Mustafá al-Bahār...
According to the distribution manager of al-Misrīyūn, the newspaper was sold out nationwide on said Wednesday. Eyewitnesses confirmed that Copts were buying dozens of copies and setting them on fire. There were also areas where copies of the newspaper were not being sold altogether. These areas...
The Beni Suef Diocese has denied that the Coptic Orthodox Church issued directions/guidance on removing all copies of the newspaper al-Misrīyūn from the markets in opposition to the newspaper’s publication of the Church’s connections and recruitment of members of the Black Bloc. An anonymous...
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