Displaying 1 - 3 of 3.
Copts in Suhag fear attacks on schools  A big number of Copts in Suhag governorate have demanded a postponement of the beginning of the school year. They fear for the lives of their children since the security situation in the governorate has deteriorated, and due to attacks against churches and...
Security forces in the Sohag Security Department successfully thwarted a sectarian fitnah (strife) in al- Nusayrāt Village in Dar Al- Salām [CH: nor far from al-Kusheh, the village making headlines in 1998 and 2000 for violence that turned against Christians]. A Copt has started to construct a...
Alexandria Governor Dr. Usāmah al-Fūlī said denied that the deported families were seven, adding some satellite channels exaggerated things in a "community that is enjoying calm and stability" after the incidents that erupted late January 2012. "The 'urfī session, which I attended myself, only...
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