Displaying 1 - 5 of 5.
The Legislative Department in the Council of State has finalized amending the Law of Sermons and Religious Lectures in mosques
Muslim Brotherhood members have committed some acts of violence in Kirdāsah, Giza, a Muslim Brotherhood stronghold. 
Dr. Nājī Zakī filed a lawsuit at the Administrative Court against Pope Tawadros for granting divorce to his wife and permitting her to re-marry without his knowledge. Zakī said that he married his wife and lived in Canada, they had children together, and when arguments erupted between them, his...
The Ministry of Justice referred the fact-finding committee's report on Maspero incidents and al-Marīnāb to the military judiciary. A number of political experts had criticized referring the report to the military judiciary, adding that a civil judiciary would have been able to investigate on the...
*/ On Friday (September 2), the military stepped up their presence in Tahrīr Square, introducing armored vehicles and extra military police in anticipation of demonstrators in the square.  
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