Displaying 1 - 10 of 22.
An armed robbery of a Coptic jewelry shop coincided with the robbery of parts of a nun’s car in Alexandria, allowing rumors to spread about the sectarian motivations behind both of the accidents.
The article is a review of Rose Al-Youssef’s file "The Complete Conspiracy: The Extremist Plan to Destroy Egypt’s Civilization." The file exposes the dangerous dimensions of extremism’s conspiracy against Egypt. The aim of the conspiracy is to destroy every aspect of Egyptian society.
In an attempt to control the money of the Bar Association, members of the association, who belongs to the Brotherhood, appointed a new treasurer against the will of the association?s president ? which led to many problems in the association.
Coptic writers and intellectuals comment on the iftār banquets held by Coptic figures in the name of national unity.
The author discusses establishing a union of vocational syndicates to solve the problems facing such syndicates but warns against political or religious groups controlling it.
Muslim Brotherhood members of the Bar Association planned a revolt against the head of the association and announced that they took control over the association council. It was announced that what the Brotherhood members had done is merely an unsuccessful and unconstitutional upheaval.
The phenomenon of long-lasting goods´ exhibitions organized in professional syndicates have turned into a business. The organizers of this game are people who are skilled in playing with false guarantees to lead banks into administrative whirlpools that could end with losing millions of...
The claims of Israel and Jews that they have the right for compensations from some countries have reached the degree of being a blackmail. Egyptian university professors refute the claims of the so-called Jewish properties in Egypt. Cairo University professor in international law Dr. Ahmed Abu Al-...
The majority of the members of the Journalists’ Syndicate did not approve that the Brotherhood used the syndicate hall to announce their initiative for political reform. In the last elections, four Brotherhood members were elected into the board. Instead of declaring the syndicate as a place for...
Muhammad Abdel Qodous issued a statement as head of the Committee of Freedom affiliated with the Journalists’ Syndicate in which he supported the female broadcasters of Channel 5 who were suspended and moved to administrative jobs for taking the hijab [veil]. The statement also mentioned that the...


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