Date of source: Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Dr. ‘Abdul ‘Alīm stated that he is very surprised at Bishop Bola’s position. He stressed that Egypt is an Arabic Islamic Country and sharī’ah is the main source of legislation, while Jews and Christians can refer to their own religious codes. Najīb Jubrā’īl, lawyer of the Coptic Orthodox Church,...
Date of source: Sunday, February 10, 2013
Dr. Yāsir Burhāmī, Vice President of the Salafī D’awah, attacked Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad during his visit to Egypt, saying that the Iranian project was sectarian and aimed to spread the Twelver Ja’farī Doctrine of Shi’ism and conquer the Ahl al-Sunnah wal-Jamā'ah through killing,...
Date of source: Thursday, August 30, 2012
The final wording of Article II of the new constitution causes a new discord among Salafīs. The new wording states that the principles of Sharī’ah is the main source of legislation, the Azhar is the final reference in interpreting these principles; and Christians and Jews resort to their own...
Date of source: Monday, April 4, 2011
A group of salafists in al-Menoufiya governorate set a Muslim shrine on fire under the pretext that tombs of Muslim scholars, considered holy by many Muslims, are against the Muslim faith.
Grand Shaykh of the Azhar Ahmad al-Tayīb said that whoever demands the destruction of shrines belong to bloody...
Date of source: Tuesday, October 21, 2008
University students affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood staged coordinated demonstrations throughout several of Egypt’s public universities in a protest they named ’the Black Day’.
Date of source: Sunday, October 30, 2005
A cleric of the Islamic Research Academy has urged Brotherhood candidates not to spend zakāt funds on their election campaign.
Date of source: Monday, November 8, 2004
The writer of Sawt Al-Umma article’s on the Archpriest should have asked himself whether the Torah and the Bible have been corrupted before or after Prophet Muhammad. If they were corrupted before Prophet Muhammad, then why did the Qur’an attest them? And if they were corrupted after Prophet...