Displaying 1 - 9 of 9.
A father accused his son, who is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, of conspiring with others in the organization to bomb the Father Church and the Physical Education Faculty for women in Alexandria (Nashwá Fārūq, al-Shurūq, Dec. 5, p. 3). Read original text in Arabic. 
Joseph Malāk, a lawyer for the families of victims of the early last year’s deadly bombing attack on the Two Saints Church that left dozens killed or wounded, said he is going to sue Minister of Interior Muhammad Ibrāhīm, Alexandria Security Director Khālid Ghurābah and the chief of al-Muntazah...
Meanwhile, Coptic figures welcomed the Coptic Orthodox Church’s withdrawal from the constitution-drafting assembly and called for real representation of all segments of the society. They said that the church’s decision, taken after a meeting of the Holy Synod, which endorsed the recommendations of...
An investigator in Alexandria has revealed the mystery of the five Christian citizens killed in Naj’ al-Salām in Burj al-‘Arab of Alexandria Governorate on February 25, 2013. Investigations have confirmed that there are no suspicions of this being a sectarian-motivated crime. Last year a dispute...
Al-Shurūq al-Jadīd, al-Wafd, and al-Yawm al-Sābi’ newspaper report on January 2 that Salafīs have returned Aghābī ’Isām Jirjis, the Coptic 14-year old minor back to her family, after her disappearance nine days ago, after several negotiations efforts by investigation police with leading figures of...
The Church of the Two Saints held on New Years Eve prayers and hymns, in which more than 2000 people took part. This was attended by Ruways Murqus, the deputy of the Coptic Orthodox Patriarchy in Alexandria. In addition, former member of parliament Muḥammad Abū Ḥāmid and his wife attended the mass...
  Dozens of members of the Salafi Call in Alexandria formed a human shield outside the walls of the Security Directorate following the announcement of groups via Facebook to organize demonstrations outside the headquarters of the Directorate, condemning the events that occurred at the Israeli...
*/ The Egyptian Center for Development Studies and Human Rights held a conference to discuss the slow progress made in the investigations of the bombings, which left 118 people dead earlier this year. Church leaders appealed to the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, to Prime Minster Dr. 'Isām...
*/ On Sunday evening, July 20, sūfī leaders met in Alexandria for the annual conference, this year titled "the role of sūfism in preventing fitnah after January 25th".
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