Displaying 41 - 50 of 53.
Watani devotes a full page of information about Muslims in America to refute Arabic press reports about Muslims in the US having problems. It gives some demographic facts about Muslims and the rights they enjoy in the US. It gives an overview of the different “emigration waves” of Muslims and how...
Rose El-Youssef´s special file for this week tackles the conflict erupted between the governor of Al-Gharbia and the Muslim Brotherhood because of Al-Geel Al-Muslim schools. It comments on a recent study by Specialized National Councils that calls for deepening religious beliefs in the minds...
Watani reports that the Holy Virgin was said to have appeared in a building belongs to the Bishopric of Giza in the Omrania district, Cairo. The building Watani mentions is the church of the Holy Virgin and Archangel Surial church. Abuna Mikhail of the church says the Holy Virgin appeared in the...
The author comments on an article published in Al-Akhbar under the title “The Story of an Unknown Woman.” Al-Akhbar´s article claim that Egyptian women are living exactly as the Afghan women lived. The author refutes this claim and concluded that no comparison can be held between the freedom...
Rose El-Youssef’s special series on extremism sheds light upon the extremist Al-Tahrir Party [Liberation party] that plans to establish Islamic rule, the book of “Al-Sufur Wa Al-Hijab [Unveiling and Veiling]” and so-called Islamic medicine. It also interviews the Sheikh of the Azhar on Islamic...
Rose El-Youssef’s special file for this week contains an interview with Abdullah Annas, a pioneering Arab Afghan and articles on new preachers, how terrorists have exploited cassette tapes to spread their ideas, the Prophet’s perception of terrorism, the Brotherhood’s perception of women, the issue...
Time magazine published on June 30, 2003 an article titled “Should Christians convert Muslims? A new flock of missionaries has launched a campaign to take the Gospel to Islamic countries. But will they inspire more backlash than belief?” by David Van Biema. Sawt Al-Umma and Al-Usbua believe this...
As is customary in every month of Ramadan, newspapers reported about the Iftar parties that the different churches give as an expression of the national unity between Muslims and Christians in Egypt.
Attention is being paid to the Orthodox Church’s celebrations of the 30th papal anniversary of Pope Shenouda III. All the articles published in that respect highlighted the achievements of the pope and his patriotic and national stances, especially regarding the issue of Jerusalem and its Arabic...
Al-Akhbar and Al-Ahram paid special attention to Coptic New Year’s Day. The articles published in both papers touched upon how the Coptic calendar began, how it relates to the Pharaonic calendar and the story of Emperor Diocletian, during whose rule many Christians were put to death.


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