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The Director of the Islamic Sheikhdom of Croatia, Shaykh ʿAzīz Hasanović, stated that there is no denying the efforts made by Dār al-Iftāʾ in Egypt to counter accusations of Islamophobia, which have been steadily increasing. This is especially true in light of the increasing number of racist...
Islamophobia and anti-Muslim hate speech are rampant in Western and some non-Islamic countries because anything associated with Islam and Muslims is associated with terrorism. Nonetheless, the Egyptian Dār al-Iftāʾ is trying to disseminate a reasonable strategy to address the unfortunate phenomenon...
Grand Muftī of Egypt, Dr. Shawqī ʿAllām, received a high-level delegation from the Egyptian Episcopal/Anglican Church, led by Archbishop Sāmī Fawzī of Alexandria and Archbishop Dr. Munīr Ḥannā, the honorary head of the Episcopal Church and Director of the Center for Christian-Muslim Understanding...
Grand Muftī of Egypt, Dr. Shawqī ʿAllām, has established the financial value of fidya for abstaining from fasting for one day during the holy Muslim month of Ramaḍān as EGP30.  
Al-Bayt al-Muḥammadī Foundation for Sufism and Heritage Science Studies is celebrating the anniversary of the al-Isrā’ wa al-Miʿrāj (Night Journey and Ascension to Heave of the Prophet Muḥammad) and al-Sayīda Zaynab.  
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