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Thirty-one eligible archons representing the Coptic Orthodox Cathedral in Alexandria participated in the elections on Monday (October 29), said Kimīl Siddīq, Secretary of the Lay Council in the Mediterranean city.
Shaykh Yāsir Burhāmī, Vice-President of the Salafī Da’wah (Call) Movement, admitted that he had a phone call and met with former presidential candidate Ahmad Shafīq hours prior to the official results of the elections that announced Muhammad Mursī of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice...
Camīl Siddīq, the secretary of the Millet Council in Alexandria, announced his complete rejection of the idea of “the Copts’ quota” in the elections and the call of some to include it in the Constitution (Sarhān Sinārah, al-Akhbār, Sept. 23, p. 6). This article has no link online.
The Pope received the Governor of Alexandria, Gen. Tāriq al- Mahdī, to congratulate him on the occasion of Epiphany (Sarhān Sinārah and Ahmad Sālim, al-Akhbār, Jan. 20, p. 7). Read original text in Arabic.
The Egyptian Center for Development Studies and Human Rights has denounced the lack of democracy which marks the discussions of the Constituent Assembly concerning the principles of sharī’ah, which do not conflict with the secular state. The lawyer of the Two Saint Church Joseph Malāk stated that...
The Egyptian Center for Development Studies and Human Rights has denounced the lack of democracy which marks the discussions of the Constituent Assembly concerning the principles of sharī’ah, which do not conflict with the secular state. The lawyer of the Two Saint Church Joseph Malāk stated that...
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