Displaying 31 - 40 of 74.
The history of Arab armies shows that the political caliphate [rule] was turned into a religious dispute, and they considered waging a war against their rivals a religious duty. The armies of Abu Bakr Al-Sediq [the first Caliph] used to wage war against those who did not pay the Zakat [Obligatory...
Islamic groups are exploiting the bad conditions Muslim live in today in order to obtain more authority and power through religion. They misguidedly refer everything back to religion, and they falsely claim that Muslims were triumphant when they abided strictly to the teachings of Islam and that it...
The literature and the slogans of the Brotherhood imply their hostility towards democracy. But today the highest Brotherhood juristic reference Sheikh Youssef Al-Qaradawi announced a new interpretation that can be summed up in Al-Qaradawi’s words “democracy is the spirit of Islam.” Al-Qaradawi’s...
Mixing the two concepts of jihad and liberation has made many Arabs support Al-Qa’ida’s actions in Iraq considering it Jihad. Declaring jihad became open field for anyone who wants to act against his government, his country or against other countries. There is a big difference between the concept...
In his program “Al-Deen wa Al-Hayat” [Religion and Life], Al-Qaradawi declared his deep faith in democracy and advocated the right of the Brotherhood to establish a legitimate party to run for elections. “The democracy I call for is the democracy of a Muslim society, which has its own fundamentals...
The Ibn Khaldoun Center for Development Studies and its chairman Dr. Saad Eddin demands the immediate participation of Islamic groups in the process of democratization. Accepting Islamic groups’ involvement in democratic activity without their commitment to democratic rights, such as the right of...
We have never heard from the Muslims of former days the slogan "Qur’xn is our constitution", which in its very essence a stratagem that only aims at reaching the corridors of power and then bring Muslims to an apocalyptic end.
Sayyid al-Qimnī writes about the way Arabs and Muslims deal with the issue of accepting the “Other” saying that we worry about our mental health and religion from the "other,” the unbeliever, but we are captives to backwardness and darkness and imagine unreal dangers that would harm us if we faced...
Members of the Creed and Philosophy Committee say that they are not new legislators and have not intentionally denied one of the fundamentals of religion, in an alleged attempt to justify their recommendation concerning the punishment for apostasy. They just want to terrorize anyone who thinks of...
The meaning of apostasy is not limited to renouncing Islam. A Muslim could be accused of apostasy if s/he suggests new thought that is contradictory to what has been set as rules ages ago. From this, the issue of freedom of belief is considered apostasy, which should be punished by execution.


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