Displaying 41 - 50 of 74.
The author believes that the recommendation of the Creed and Philosophy Committee in the Islamic Research Institute that the apostate is to be given a lifetime chance to renounce his apostate ideas is not a renewal in the Islamic fiqh. The recommendation has been made only because of the...
The author explains the rule “intentionally denying one of the fundamentals of religion” because of which a Muslim can be considered an apostate. He believes it is a terrorist rule that is used and applied by terrorists.
The author refutes the criticism leveled against his series of articles on the punishment for apostasy in Islam. He is accused of lightly esteeming the companions of the Prophet and believing that “apostasy wars” were launched for political reasons.
The author believes that Muslims should reevaluate their understanding and practice of Islam. He believes the reason for their defeat in many fields is because they judge everything through the eyes of Islam. Confessing defeat and accepting criticism would be a sincere beginning towards victory.
The author refutes a comment opposing his ideas concerning the punishment for apostasy, the rule of "Intentionally denying one of the fundamentals of religion" and the so-called "wars of apostasy."
The author [a Muslim intellectual] writes about a debate that took part between him and a member of the Gama’a Al-Islamiya on change of educational curricula in Muslim countries. The debate was aired by Al-Jazeera satellite channel on February 17, 2004. Sheikhs in Egyptian mosques continued the...
The Muslim Brotherhood uses Islam for their own interest. Their latest initiative [Democratic Reform Initiative] makes the group seem as if it were God’s chosen leadership. They claim that they hold the keys to the true teachings of Islam. That is why, they claim, everybody should rally round them.
The initiative of the Muslim Brotherhood [for political reform] highlights the right of disagreement in many of its items as a basic democratic principle. In effect, the Brotherhood seeks to impose a single viewpoint over other viewpoints arguing that the imposed point of view is God’s point of...
Those who seek to defend Islam should not brand anyone who tries to practice self-criticism or studying Islam in a way that suits our time a kafir [unbeliever]. They should stop claiming that there is a global conspiracy against Islam led by the devil and his party. They should stop accusing...
In his book “Al-Walla wa Al-Baraa” [infidelity and renouncement], Dr. Ayman Al-Zawahry collected a number of verses to prove that any true Muslim must not be loyal to pagans and People of the Book and to renounce non-Muslims and take them as enemies. That is why the Qa’eda organization insists on...


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