Displaying 11 - 20 of 28.
The head of the Evangelical Church responds to the head of the Egyptian medical syndicate’s claims that transplants should not take place between people of different religions.
Rev. Dr. Ṣafwat al-Bayyāḍī expresses his appreciation of and satisfaction with the new law that prohibits the organization of demonstrations in houses of worship.
Rev. Dr. Safwat Al-Bayadi wrote about the idea of the clash between civilizations. He pointed out that it is the civil society rather than the governing authority that plays the important role in the civilizational-cultural-religious-denominational dialogue. He called for having a balance between...
The author comments on the eighth general assembly of the Middle East Council of Churches. He believes it represents the beginning of a new stage in the history of the council. All members of the general assembly attended its sessions without any exception and they all participated effectively in...
The author believes that no complete separation can take place between politics and religion. The relation between the two takes on many forms. If this relation takes on the right form, things will go well.
The article concerns the role of the Church in world affairs. It gives three steps that the Church should carry out in order to achieve its aim in establishing a peaceful and just society.
Churches should not adopt a unified opinion about a certain party. If they do so, what good is the constitutional amendment?
The Protestant Community Council in Egypt rejects and condemns the statements made by reverends Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, Franklin Graham and Shem Douglas against Islam. It stresses that such statements will not affect the relations between Muslims and Christians in Egypt.
The author appreciates Dr. Milad Hanna´s opinion concerning the role of Arab Christians as a cultural bridge between Islam and the west. However, he does not agree with Hanna´s opinion that Protestant Christians tend to support Israel. He believes that such a statement worries emigrant...
You earlier stated the wish of the Bishop of the Episcopal Church in Egypt to withdraw from the Evangelical denomination. As the president of the Evangelical denomination, I confirm the unity of the national Evangelical churches.


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