Displaying 21 - 30 of 33.
Many priests from European churches joined his Holiness Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros II as he led expatriate Copts in Vienna at Saint Anthony Monastery yesterday (May 27, 2013). Pope Tawadros also oversaw the inauguration of Saint Mark Church in the capital, which is adjacent to the United Nations...
Sohag Criminal Court sentenced one convict to death penalty and three others for life imprisonment who are "allegedly" innocent. These four people are convicted in the fitnah tā'ifīyah, erupted in al-Ghurayzāt village of Marāghah Township in Sohag governorate (Al-Sayyīd al-Ghūl, al-Misrīyūn, May 27...
AWR's intern Myles Ormerod reviewed articles of incidents that were not covered in Egyptian newspapers, but came in online foreign media on May 25, 2013, tackling Muslim-Christians relations and/or Coptic issues. 
Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros II highlighted his excellent relationship with Grand Shaykh of the Azhar Dr. Ahmad al-Tayyīb. The Pope mentioned that al-Tayyīb is a dear friend to him and that he plays an important role in both institutions. Pope Tawadros also pointed out that the Church and Azhar...
The Presidency will meet Coptic figures to discuss their concerns and problems, after Israeli government's policy on Coptic migration to Israel. Coptic activists refused to question the loyalties of Copts to Egypt, and to be exploited for political gain. More than 237 Coptic families are preparing...
Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros II heads for Austria on Friday (May 24, 2013) in his second visit abroad, leading the first conference for Coptic Churches in Europe from May 27 to May 30. The conference aims to develop laws and regulations to manage and arrange all the matters of the special service...
The Coptic Church contacted the Ministry of Justice yesterday (Apr. 5, 2013), demanding the passing of a unified law for Personal Status for Christian communities after years of being ignored. A number of 37 Coptic associations intend to deliver a draft law to Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros II...
A number of priests and political groups participated in marches yesterday (May 18, 2013) calling for the withdrawal of confidence for President Muhammad Mursī (Mursi) in Shubrā. Estimates show that about half a million of Copts have signed the petition. This campaign is scheduled to continue until...
The Shūrá Council decided yesterday (April 3, 2013) to repeal the article which prohibits candidates using of religious slogans in elections, however this met with opposition especially from Copt who refused it completely. Rev. Andrea Zakī, Deputy Head of the Coptic Evangelical Church, said that...
Hātim Kamāl al-Shāzlī said that his daughter Ranā, who has been missing for seventy days, ran off to Turkey with a young Christian from Beni Suef. Al-Shāzlī accused Coptic clergy of using Salafī Black Magic on his daughter, forcing her to convert from Islam to Christianity. Despite the findings of...


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