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On Wednesday, April 27th, we've had the pleasure to show the movie "One Hand", a film produced by Johnny and Rebecca Weixler with help of contacts provided by Arab-West Report. The film had been earlier presented and well received at the well-attended MESA Film Festival in Denver, Colorado, USA....
Ṭāriq Ḥasan comments on a recent statement from an actor in the Egyptian Tax Authority’s TV commercial campaign in which he said he would not renew his contract for further campaigns because collecting taxes from the poor in order to give them to the state is ḥarām.
The author opposes a party or a state based on religion, and uses Iraq as an example of a country cursed by religious state and parties.
Al-Ahrām Center for Political and Strategic Studies held a seminar about the effects of the recent terrorist attacks in America on national unity in Egypt. Both the [Grand] Shaykh of the Azhar and Pope Shnūdāh stressed that there was no fear about Egyptians’ national unity, which is unique in its...
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