Displaying 51 - 60 of 84.
Pope Tawadros stated that to change one’s denomination to be capable of divorce is a form of manipulating one’s religious identity. He stated that “all that is built on mistakes leads to mistakes.
Pope Tawadros stated that idea of the Fund of “Long Live Egypt” is a good idea. He stated that the churches and dioceses of Egypt will take part in the fund. 
Pope Tawadros II stated that Egypt has started a new era through a new constitution and a new president. 
Pope Tawadros also stated that in August 2013, more than 100 churches were destroyed. However, he added, that “we understand that and also understand that a homeland without churches is better than churches with no homeland”
Church sources stated that the committee responsible for amending the regulations list for selecting the patriarch did not yet decide on whether the bishops of dioceses can be nominated for the position of Pope (Girgis Fikrī, al- Shurūq, Feb. 5, p. 3). Read original text in Arabic.   
Pope Tawadros has called for supporting the agonized churches in Syria and Iraq and working on bringing different churches of the world together. 
A limited number of Coptic activists demonstrated after the sermon of Pope Tawadros against the statements of Bishop Bola stating that “the Copts must forget the events of Maspero.” 
Fr. Rif’at Fathy, representative of the EvangelicalChurch revealed the possible features of the Church Building Law that the three churches are preparing to submit to the Ministry of Transitional Justice. 
After issuing the Parliamentary Elections Bill, the Minister of Transitional Justice agreed with some parties representatives that the electoral lists must hold three Copts and 7 women.
Pope Tawadros gave a televised speech on Coptic channels in which he discussed several matters particularly that of divorce and marriage


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