Displaying 41 - 50 of 120.
The list included Bishop Mūsá of Youth, Bishop Marqus of Shubrā al-Khaymah, Coptic business magnate Najīb Sawirus, Counselor Munsif Sulaymān and former People's Assembly member Georgette Qilīnī. [Ashraf Sādiq, al-Ahrām, June 10, p. 3] Read original text in Arabic
The list included Bishop Mūsá of Youth, Bishop Marqus of Shubrā al-Khaymah, Coptic business magnate Najīb Sawirus, Counselor Munsif Sulaymān and former People's Assembly member Georgette Qilīnī. [Ashraf Sādiq, al-Ahrām, June 10, p. 3] Read original text in Arabic
Meanwhile, Counselor Munsif Sulaymān, a member of the Coptic Orthodox Church’s General Millī Council, announced on Wednesday (May 30) the final list of candidates for the papal chair of Saint Mark, totaling 17, including seven bishops and 10 monks. The list includes Bishop Yū’ānnis, Bishop Bīshūy...
The Holy Synod under acting patriarch Bishop Pachomius announced that the deadline for receiving applications for running in the elections to succeed Coptic Orthodox Pope Shenouda III, who passed away in March, will expire on Saturday (May 19). [Ashraf Sādiq, al-Ahrām, May 18, p. 7] Read text in...
The deadline to receive papers of candidates for the papal chair of Saint Mark in succession of Coptic Orthodox Pope Shenouda III, who died in March, expired on Saturday (May 26). The final list of candidates included 18 names – eight bishops and 10 monks – while Bishop Mūsá of Youth stepped down...
Bishop Pachomius, the acting patriarch of the Coptic Orthodox Church, said after he cast his vote in a polling station in Damanhūr, al-Beheira, that the church stands at the same distance toward all presidential candidates, adding that the church believes in democracy and guarantees freedom for all...
The committee receiving applications for the new pope elections, in a four-hour meeting on Wednesday (May 9) under acting patriarch Bishop Pachomius, agreed to continue receiving papers of candidates to succeed Pope Shenouda III until the end of this month. [Ashraf Sādiq, al-Ahrām, May 11, p. 6] ...
The committee receiving applications for the new pope elections, in a four-hour meeting on Wednesday (May 9) under acting patriarch Bishop Pachomius, agreed to continue receiving papers of candidates to succeed Pope Shenouda III until the end of this month. [Ashraf Sādiq, al-Ahrām, May 11, p. 6] ...
The 18-man committee receiving applications of candidates for the Saint Mark chair held a plenary meeting on Wednesday (May 9) under Bishop Pachomius to set criteria for sorting out the candidates. The criteria include the gifts of guidance, education and fluency of foreign languages, good...
Meanwhile, the committee on nominations for the election of a new pope for the Coptic Orthodox Church is meeting Wednesday (May 9) under acting patriarch Bishop Pachomius. The plenary meeting, to be attended by nine bishops and nine members of the Millī Council, will discuss criteria for filtering...


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