Displaying 91 - 100 of 120.
Appeals committee of the Coptic Orthodox Church continued looking in the appeals on the list of voters for the Coptic Orthodox papal elections. The committee is headed by Bishop Pachomius, Coptic Orthodox acting Patirarch, and Bishop Thomas of Qūsīyah and Counselor Bishrī Matar are members in teh...
The Coptic Orthodox Church will announce the candidates for the papal seat on September 5, 2012. Al-Ahrām learned that there will be no surprises in the candidates names, who are 71 (newspaper meant 17 not 71), among them are seven bishops and ten monks. Read original text in Arabic
The Administrative Court will look into the appeal against continuing the papal elections on September 2. Majdī Murād Mikhā'īl (the paper did not mentioned his title) had made an appeal asking to stop the Coptic Orthodox papal elections and review the voters tables. Mikhā'īl believes that voters...
  A number of church figures expressed their trust in the unity of the Egyptian people, stating that they are not at all worried about the Islamic parties' sweeping victory in the parliamentary elections. What matters is what the member of parliament will offer for all Egyptians, stressing that the...
The attitude of Copts in previous elections was often one that decided not to vote, or to run in the elections. This time it was different.  Bishop Mūsá, the bishop of youth in the Coptic Orthodox Church, said that the church raised awareness among Christians about the elections, saying that the...
After the meeting of Usāmah Haykal, Minister of Information, with the Coptic Orthodox Pope Shenouda III, the Minister said that an objective commission will evaluate the coverage of the Egyptian television to Maspero's incidents. The Minister offered his condolences to the Pope and said that the...
 Dr. 'Abd al-Mun'im Abū al-Futūh, presidential hopeful and defected Muslim Brotherhood member (MB), said that Islamic movements focus on slogans more than practical solutions. Abū al-Futūh wishes the independency of the Azhar and the restoration of its preaching role. [Reviewer's Note: The Arabic...
Dr. Georgette Subhī ‘Abduh Qalīnī [Lawyer; First female to work for Legislation department, ministry of Justice, member of the Egyptian National Council for Human Rights and People's Assembly] said that she filed a report against an anonymous woman that is fundraising money claiming that the money...
Quiet returned to al-Minia after fitnah incidents that took place on June 30, 2011, and resulted in 5 injuries. Father Da'oud Nāshid, Deputy of Minia Archbishopric, said that quiet was restored because of the village's elders from Muslims and Copts, in Qlūsanā village in the Samallūt town of Minya...
Grand Shaykh of the Azhar Ahmad al-Tayīb said Islam does not acknowledge the conversion of minors nor resorts to "piracy" to force anyone to convert to it. "The conversion to Islam by the two girls in al-Minya governorate, 17-year-old Christine and 14-year-old Nancy, is not recognized, simply...


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