Displaying 11 - 20 of 468.
Watanī International published the weekly editorial of its Editor-in-Chief Youssef Sidhom (Yūsuf Sīdhum) under the title “European Court for Human Rights:Asylum for Copt “, below is the original text: In the wake of the 25 January 2011 Revolution and ever since the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) and their...
An editorial from Watanī was in favor of reform of the personal status regulations relating to Coptic Christians has been released. In the editorial the author notes that the Coptic Church in Egypt refuses to implement the current 1938 Statute, which it views as too lenient and against its...
Last Tuesday, the independent Cairo daily al-Youm al-Sabei printed a story on a meeting between a number of Coptic figures and representatives of the presidency. Having myself been among those Coptic figures, I would like to cite here what actually took place in that meeting. Read full text in...
President Mursi's era is bound to go down in Egypt's history as unprecedented in that the presidency rushes through decisions that bring on wrathful public response, then quickly goes back on these decisions or, at best, amends them. This did not escape the legendary Egyptian sarcastic humor, and...
Efforts are ongoing to shed light in the flaws in Egypt's new consittution, and to crystallise alternative formulations for the articles under fire. The aim is to reassure Egyptians tha tthe consitutiton is no Islamist snare, and includes no elastic articles that allow the Islamists to pounce upon...
By the time Watani reaches its readers on Sunday morning, the Egyptian people would have had their say on the draft constitution. If the draft is approved, Egypt would go on to elect a new People's Assembly; if it is not, we go back to Square One where a new Cosntituent Assembly is chosen and a new...
Among his declarations to the media during the period between the altar draw earlier this month and his enthronement last Sunday, His Holiness Pope Tawadros II said that among his priority issues for the Church was to put the house in order. Read full text in English Read full text in Arabic
News that The Netherlands is implementing more lenient measures for the assessment of the cases of Coptic applicants for political or religious asylum caused all hell to break loose in Egypt. Read full text in English Read full text in Arabic
Al-Amr bil-Maarouf wal-Nahy an al-Munkar (AMNM), literally Commanding Virtue and Banning Vice, is the vice police Egyptians used to hear of in the more conservative Islamic countries such as Saudi Arabia. Dressed in Islamic garb, its members roam the streets to check passers-by are adhering to the...
 As we stand on the threshold of the final round of the presidential race. The tug-of-war between the two finalists- the liberal Ahmed Shafik and the Islamist Mohamed Mursi – to win votes is at its fiercest. Voters realize, however, that the contenders may be obscuring their true colours behind the...


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