Displaying 451 - 460 of 468.
Also Sidhom writes about how the story of el-Koshh escalated.
Sidhom demands a public investigation to find those who are responsible for such transgressions and to hold them responsible for what they did. He wants civilians to know that the law is above all.
This is the title of the message that was received by Priest Morcos Aziz Khalil of the Virgin Mary’s Church and head of the Archangel Michael Church in Connecticut in the United States. Father Morcos was the patron of the Hanging Church in Egypt before immigrating to the US.
The author criticizes the attitude of the police in el-Koshh and many other places where they overstepped the boundaries of authority.
A conflict between the police of Sohag and a local MP let to the opening of fire in Suhag’s police station. Sidhom compares the way the government dealt with that incident to al-Koshh.
The incident that occurred in the Kashh village in Dar El-Salam, Governorate of Sohag, is an incident that is far away from religious strife but it has been misinterpreted by many. The incident is far away from conflicts between Muslims and Christians as many have been made believe. However, it is...
The police treated the people of el-Kash’h in a very disgraceful way in order to confess to something that they have not done. Sidhom is surprised to find the authorities not giving any comments on what has happened in Al-Kash’h. Sidhom cites a letter of Dr. Selim Neguib in Canada: "we are...
The author shows how difficult it is to build churches in the expanding new suburbs of large cities.
Building churches in new area’s is not so easy.
The editor of Watani received a letter from Copts in Australia explaining him the freedom to establish radio stations for immigrants. Sidhom compares this with the lack of time for Christian times on the Egyptian radio.


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