Displaying 91 - 100 of 468.
Sidhom comments on the Parliament’s refusal to discuss a unified law on building places of worship for the fifth year in a row.
The author writes about the frustration people feel at officially imposed changes of the street and place names with which they are familiar.
Watani International analyses two recent issues that it sees as indicative of the increasing fanaticism in Egyptian society. The first is that of a fatwá that stated that it is a sin for Muslims to leave money in their wills to churches and the second is the case of 155 individuals who were...
Watani International relates the story of a medical student who was not given the promotion he deserved even though his grades were higher than other students who were promoted. Yūsuf Sidhum reviews the student’s file and believes that this type of discrimination in rife in the education system in...
Sidhum continues his series of articles reviewing the grievances ofCopts in the Upper Egyptian governorate of Minya. In this article he focuses on the problems that Christians face when trying to build houses. Sidhum argues that any house built by a Copt comes under suspicion because the...
Pegged to the Deir Abu-Hennes affair Youssef Sidhom writes about arbitrary changing of names in Egypt.
Most Egyptians look forward to better relations with America after Obama’s visit, but visit preparations and certain aspects of security were excessive.
Sidhum writes about Obama’s speech in Cairo and the massive media coverage of the speech but believes that even though Obama is a new character on the scene it is still the old American interests that will continue to govern the new American policy.
Yūsuf Sidhum enjoys his holiday in Germany, where he finds urban planning and especially location of schools, infinitely superior to the situation in Egypt.
Sidhum reflects on the bombings that took place at al-Zaytun last week.


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