Displaying 1 - 10 of 13.
President Muḥammad Mursī decided to intervene to settle the crisis of the constituent assembly after the majority of political and societal powers that do not belong to political Islam groups quit it.
A number of Copts have sent a call for help to the Minister of Interior, General Muhammad Ibrāhim, and President al- Sīsī, in order to protect them from the continuous attacks on their houses by thugs.
Dr. Ādil Adawy Minister of  Health and Population has announced that the Egyptian hospitals have announced 11 injured people from Gaza. 
While Egyptian officials try to contain the repercussions of clashes that erupted between Muslims and Christians in the district of Dahshūr, south of Cairo, which left one killed and dozens others wounded, sectarian violence took place in al-Zaqāzīq, the capital of al-Sharqia governorate. Financial...
The Dutch government's decision to grant Egyptian Christians religious asylum angered Egyptians and led to a statement by President Muhammad Mursī refusing any foreign interference in Muslims-Christian relations in Egypt. The Dutch Embassy in Cairo is working to contain the situation and denies...
Muslims and Copts in Egypt were angered by expatriate Copts calls to produce a film offending Prophet Muhammad. Politicians described the film as not accepted by Egypt's Copts before Muslims. Kārim Radwān, an official at the Muslim Brotherhood Administration Office in Cairo, said that Muslims will...
An unknown Salafī shaykh has issued a fatwá allowing the shedding of the blood of Muhammad al-Barād‘ī, former Director of the International Atomic Energy Commission. State-supported newspapers had resumed their attacks on al-Barād‘ī when he returned to Cairo two weeks ago, focusing on his links to...
Last Wednesday’s confrontation between Copts and the police in ‘Umrāniyyah has significantly affected the Coptic vote and participation in the parliamentary elections. Experts say the incident has completely changed the Coptic perspective on the ruling National Democratic Party. Unlike before,...
This article reflects on the close relationships between prominent Muslims and Christians prominent, not only in the politics but also in art.      
The article monitors Coptic Church reactions upon insinuations made by an Israeli TV channel about Jesus Christ and Virgin Mary.


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