Displaying 1 - 4 of 4.
World leaders from Europe, North America, and Australia are participating in the Fifth International Forum to commemorate the memorial of the Holocaust.
Israel’s permanent representative to the United Nations Danny Danon published an article today in Israel Today newspaper entitled “How Israel achieved the impossible at the UN”. For years, Danon said, they have believed in Israel that the hostile reality in the United Nations is a constant...
The State Information Service has faced harsh criticism recently due to its diminished role, to the extent that some are considering that its role is virtually ending. This comes despite the effort exerted by the President of the State Information Service, Ambassador Ṣalāḥ ʿAbd al-Ṣādiq, to...
Israeli television: Egypt has been cursed since the January Revolution  Israeli Channel 2 broadcasted a lengthy report which stated that since the deposition of former President Mursī a curse continues to affect Egypt. The channel compared these curses to the plagues casted by God against Pharaoh...
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