Displaying 1 - 10 of 10.
“Coptic Mawlids, or the festivities celebrating the birth of Coptic saints: A field study of popular beliefs” by Dr. Dāwūd Makram was recently issued by the General Egyptian Book Organization under the chairmanship of Dr. Haytham al-Ḥājj ʿAlī.  The book is numbered thirty-four under “Popular...
  After being flooded with tear gas, physicians in charge of the field hospital at ‘Abād al-Rahmān Mosque decided to move the hospital and patients yesterday night to ‘Umar Makram Mosque and the Evangelical Church in Shaykh Rayhān Street.  
Egypt's ministries of Endowments and Foreign Affairs announced their condemnation of the Baghdad explosions at the “Sayyidat al-Najāh.” Security specialists warned against taking al-Qā‘idah's threats against Copts for granted. Minister of Endowments Dr. Mahmūd Hamdī Zaqzūq said that Egypt neither...
The article sheds light on a visit by Margaret Scobey, the American ambassador to Cairo, to Pope Shenouda to give her greetings for the occasion of Christmas.
Dr. Muhammad Salīm al-‘Awwā talks about Islamic groups and the concept of jihād in Islam.
Muhammad al-Muslimānī interviews Dr. Muhammad Salīm al-‘Awwā and discuss hadd of riddah in Islam.
A research study by an Egyptian political expert shows statistics of Coptic representation in the Egyptian Parliament in the period between 1924 and 2000.
This article sheds light on the strangest fatwás that were issued in 2008.
University students affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood staged coordinated demonstrations throughout several of Egypt’s public universities in a protest they named ’the Black Day’.
Shaymā’ ‘Adil reports about different opinions of human rights activists regarding religious freedom in Egypt.
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