Displaying 1 - 7 of 7.
Dr. Khālid Muhammad Fahmī, the newly elected minister of environment, made yesterday, January 28, an unannounced visit to the Faiyum Governorate. During his visits, the minister inspected on the ground, the controversial seizing of the monastery of estimated 110 square kilometers of Wādī al-Rayān...
The electoral alliance list, which represents revolutionaries, agreed to cement fraternal ties among all Egyptians by including a mosque preacher, a Copt, a niqāb-wearing woman and a lawyer on their list. This article has no link online.
A number of masked men killed a security guard when they attacked the site of a former church early Thursday morning in a village in Fayoum Governorate, southwest of Cairo. The men fired a barrage of bullets at the security team, which included one police sergeant and two guards. Security sources...
Dr. Muhammad Abu al-Ghaz, representative of the Egyptian Social Democratic Party, blasted the Muslim Brotherhood for its efforts to implement Islamic law (Sharī‘ah) in Egypt, stressing that the concept is not in line with global development, drawing examples from Turkey. Read original text in ...
 Muslim Brotherhood (MB) Supreme Guide Mohamed Badie said on Wednesday that presidential hopefuls Ayman Nour and Hamdeen Sabbahi had both asked for the Brotherhood’s support in upcoming elections. The remarks came during a conference organized by the Brotherhood in Fayoum Governorate to celebrate...
The article highlights the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights during the first quarter of 2009.
Pope Shenouda criticizes the recent Vatican Document that was released last month, believing that the document, which attacked the Protestant and Orthodox churches, contradicts the spirit of love and unity.
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