Date of source: Sunday, March 12, 2006
The conviction of a young journalist, Amīra Malash, in a libel suit has created uproar amongst the press and journalists and human rights activists have stood up defending freedom of expression.
Date of source: Saturday, March 11, 2006 to Friday, March 17, 2006
The conference held in Denmark over the offensive Danish cartoons called for by the young controversial dā‘iya cAmr Khālid has created different reactions in the West and the Islamic world.
Date of source: Thursday, March 23, 2006
The grand muftī of Egypt has issued a fatwa saying that statues are harām, but Egyptian intellectuals have taken an opposing stand, defending the art of sculpture.
Date of source: Friday, November 11, 2005
The death of the Syrian film maker, Mustafa al-‘Aqqād has prompted angry reactions from Arab writers.