Displaying 1 - 4 of 4.
Survey of unlicensed churches in some Egyptian governorates was finalized and would be sent to the cabinet, according to Minister of Local Development Muhammad 'Atīyah. "The cabinet already finished legalizing unlicensed churches and referred the data to the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces,"...
Counselor Muhammad 'Atīyah, the minister of local development, said that next week [Thursday, November 17, 2011] the Ministry will start regulating the situation of the unlicensed churches. This article has no link online.
The unified draft law on the construction of houses of worship will be tackled by the cabinet's legislative committee Tuesday (Oct. 25) to discuss some amendments and proposals introduced by some religious institutions during the past few days, according to Minister of Local Development Muhammad '...
 May Mujāhid wrote a book review written by Joseph Rāmiz, African affairs expert, entitled "Coptic church role in Africa." The book talks about the status of Christianity in Africa, the Christian denominations' distribution, approaches of church's role, church relations with African countries, its...
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