Date of source: Sunday, August 12, 2012
Today’s overview tackles controversial statements by the former chief of the Muslim Brotherhood group, Muhammad Mahdī ‘Ākif in which he said that the MB will dominate the presidency, ministries embassies and all the state institutions and will also ikhwānize the people.
Date of source: Monday, January 30, 2012
Subhī Sālih, a member of parliament from the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party (FJP), said there are some attempts to spark a falling out between youths in al-Tahrīr Square and parliament on one hand and the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) on the other.
“Throwing bottles...
Date of source: Thursday, November 17, 2011
Salafī Islamic preacher, Shaykh Muhammad Hasān, denied fawning over the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) in his preach.
Hasān refused the idea of a military president, adding that Egypt needs a civil president that governs with the Qur'ān and Sunnah.
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