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His Holiness Pope Tawāḍrūs II, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St. Mark, honoured Nīvīn Al- Qabbāj, Minister of Social Solidarity, by gifting her the shield of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Centre; in appreciation of her efforts to support the rights of persons with disabilities. This...
In one of the electoral districts in Sayyidah ‘Aishah area in Cairo three women raised the poster of Mursī to encourage the families to boycott the elections. 
“My bay’ah (pledge of allegiance to a ruler in Islam) will be strictly for the people, not for the Muslim Brotherhood group,” said Mursī during an interview with On TV’s talk show host Yusrī Fūdah. [Āyah ‘Āmir, al-Shurūq al-Jadīd, June 1, p. 5] Read text in Arabic
In the first presidential debate ever in the history of Egypt, presidential candidate ‘Amr Mūsá said there was accordance over Article 2 of the Egyptian Constitution, which holds that general principles of the Islamic sharī’ah are the main source of legislation while people of other faiths will...
In the first presidential debate ever in the history of Egypt, presidential candidate ‘Amr Mūsá said there was accordance over Article 2 of the Egyptian Constitution, which holds that general principles of the Islamic sharī’ah are the main source of legislation while people of other faiths will...
Sawirus, the founder of the Free Egyptians Party, called on the Muslim Brotherhood to reveal their budget for the election campaign and spending on the candidates of the Freed and Justice Party (FJP), the Brotherhood's political arm.  "An Arab leader had asked me to notify security (intelligence)...
Presidential hopeful, 'Abd al-Mun'im Abū al-Futūh, criticized Copts protest off Maspero on October 5, 2011 demonstrating Idfū church incident and said that the crisis will not be solved by blocking the street off Maspero. He added that the people involved in demolishing the church need to be...
  cAbd al-Muncim cAbd-al Maqsūd, the lawyer of the Muslims Brotherhood group, asserted that the slogan “Islam is the solution” is one hundred percent constitutional, and that the group attained several judicial provisions confirming that this slogan is a political rather than being a religious one...
Najīb Sāwīrus, businessman and founder of the new liberal party “Free Egyptians”, denied saying that he doesn’t want any Copt to run for presidency. Instead he is calling any national efficient Copt to nominate himself in the elections.
‘Abd al-Mun‘im Abū al-Futūh, leading member of the Muslim Brotherhood group, reiterated denial that he resigned from the MB. He affirmed that he will resign from any administrative posts in the group if he runs for the presidential election. He said that there is nothing in Islam called a theocracy...
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